Friday, April 30, 2010

is interesting would judge whether or not a person is reliable or not.

you think this person is not reliable because he/she couldn't meet you standard?

you think this person is reliable because he/she can meet your standard? Or just that you have no expectation from this person...?

okay i have to learn how to adjust myself for every single frd of mine. I need to learn what they can/cannot do for probably not their fault to disappoint you, is just that you are not at the level that they should do that much for you yet.


meowie said...

i think that the scale that each person uses to gauge whether others are reliable or not is largely dependent on that individual's definition of "reliability"

what is your standard? do you expect people to treat you the way that you treat them? if you always on time, do you expect your friends to always be on time? if you never cancel a plan, do you expect your friends to never cancel plans?

i think that someone is reliable when they have respect for other people, respect for other people's time, respecting your friendship...if they respected your time, they would not cancel on you last minute while you are already driving to their house to pick them up, if they respected your friendship, they would take your feelings into consideration...yes "shit happens" but you know what? everyone in this world is busy, everyone in this world has problems, and it is difficult to find spare time these days, and the spare time that you do have is STOP BEING SO SELF CENTERED AND GET OVER YOURSELF (this was only an example, i am not referring to any specific occurence of anyone PISSING me off!)

i learned that it is a treat to have someone that you can rely on, but it is rare...don't adjust yourself for every single friend, don't change your standards for anyone, this way it is easier to spot the gems in a pile of SHIT...and you will treasure these "gems" more...

Ris said...

ooo right!! the thing is 'respect'!...well i guess i deserve no respect then....since i dont see much respect from them .../cryrun

hmm...i just trying to look for things that i can do on my own there will be less chance that i have to be 'cancelled' on...